Choose the right package for you

Stressed Pooooch

Chronic stress means that your cortisol levels are high. This hormone affects weight gain in the abdomen, making the Stressed Pooooch the most dangerous of the Pooooches.

Yo-Yo Pooooch

Nothing is wrong with experimenting with new diets or exercise trends. The inconsistency in eating and exercise habits causes weight to go up and down, like a Yo-Yo.

Bloated Pooooch

Excess abdominal gas and constipation are key contributors to the Bloated Pooooch. Don’t feel like a balloon when you could walk around and fit in your pants with ease!

Hormonal Pooooch

Various hormones influence what you eat and crave, but they can also store fat in your Pooooch area. Curb your cravings and encourage weight loss fast!


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